Lovin' Blogs or just BlogLovin'?

You know it...
I've linked my blog with Bloglovin'!  Are you already using it now that google reader is gone? What do you think of the site? Do you find it easier to keep up with the blogs you are following?

Definitely let me know your thoughts in regards to Bloglovin! In the meantime, follow me

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Bloglovin' site seems very interesting; definitely have to get back to you about how well it works in following your blogs. Thanks for the information.

    1. It seems to be a great alternative to the Google Reader. So far... I'm digging it but then again, not really played around on it much. I will soon!
      Let me update my bloggins list :) Gotta link the Roobee :)

  2. I use my blogroll.... Which I find easier, mainly because it keeps the amount of blogs I follow down to a minimum.

    1. That's true, I do use my blog roll, too! Time will tell with bloglovin'!


Thank you so much for saying hello! I love your comments.