Groupon Coupons: Easy Money Saving

This post about how to save money with Groupon coupons is sponsored but all opinions are mine.

Are you a Groupon junkie? Me, too!!!!  I have used Groupon for YEARS.  It's the number one way that we are able to go out to eat or go to events without breaking the bank!

I love that there are TONS of coupons available on the site for stores that I shop at anyways.  I like to check out the site for coupons for Kohl's, Macy's,  and many other stores that I plan to shop at anyways.  

It's really simple, just search for the store you need to shop at on Groupon Coupons and see if there are any coupons that will save you money.  If you are like me and wait until the last minute to do your taxes, there are even coupons for tax services! 

I mean, if I am going to go there anyways- might as well save some money!

I am trying to build up a safety savings and one way that I am is by using coupons, shopping sales and thrift shopping and only buying necessities.  Then, the money that I saved- I put in a savings account.  For example, if I go into buy school clothes for Em and I buy $100 worth of clothes and have a 20% off coupon, I put the $20 I saved off the purchase into my savings account.  

How do you save money? 
What are some easy money saving tips?
What are your favorite Groupon coupons?

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