Review: Something From The Nightside by Simon R. Green

Synopsis via Goodreads:
John Taylor is not a private detective per se, but he has a knack for finding lost things. That's why he's been hired to descend into the Nightside, an otherworldly realm in the center of London where fantasy and reality share renting space and the sun never shines

Mix a Humphrey Bogart (a la Maltese Falcon) style private investigator, the underground from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, a bit of Harry Dresden and every single odd ball and scary preternatural, supernatural and science fiction and you will have the world that is the Nightside.  It's wild.  You have NO idea what will happen next.  You must expect nothing and expect everything in the Nightside.  Don't hail a cab because you have no clue if it will eat you, if it's legit or who it works for.

I like the brain popcorn.  This a bit detective/PI noir, urban fantasy and science fiction.  All in one.  I never felt connected to the main protagonist, John Taylor, but I feel I will.  He goes on a bit about an oddity in the Nightside (almost too long).  I want more Suzy Shooter aka Oh God, it's her, run!

Frankly, I liked it.  It's a you-never-know-what-is-next kinda book and I love it! Bring me more!

I say read it.  You might enjoy it!

disclaimer: I purchased this book out of my own pocket but there is an affiliate link within this post.

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