I will be honest with you- I am a poor planner. I was never the mom who had a well organized baby bag. I was the one who forgot EVERYTHING! Bad me! I am better now but not a whole lot better. Ha. I am busy and so is my daughter. On the weekends, she has a lot of activities and we end up popping through a drive-thru for a quick bite. At work, my afternoon snacks consists of me RAIDING my coworkers snack drawer and eating some mini candy bars. Let's not kid ourselves, I eat way more than one. These are both really, really bad habits. I am trying to make better choices for my daughter and I that will not only bring our weight down to a healthy one but just better overall eating choices. I have been looking for a nutritious on the go snack that not only satisfies our appetite but provides us with some kind of nutrition until we can sit down and actually eat. NO MORE DRIVE THRUS!
I have found a really delicious and nutritious option for snacking in Life Choice bars! You can find them only at Walmart in the cereal aisle! They have four unique types of bars for you different needs: Protein, Energy, Wellness and Meal Replacement.
Fudge Graham and Dark Chocolate Wellness bars? I think that's a yes!
I did sneak in a meal replacement bar- I mean come on- it's WHITE CHOCOLATE PRETZEL!
Between the Fudge Graham and Dark Chocolate- I have better options for my horrible sweet tooth.
Honestly, I felt so yucky in the afternoons. I would feel sluggish and even a bit shaky. I know I needed a better choice for a snack. The Life Choice Wellness bars offer great tasting bar with plenty of protein (15 g!), fiber, vitamins and minerals. A much better option to my chocolate bar!
The fudge graham is soooo good and I felt like my sweet tooth was satisfied.
I brought a mixture of the bars to work with me and they are in my cubicle so I won't be tempted to raid the "Drawer".
Slowly but surely- we are making better choices and getting myself back to a healthy weight so I can be around for my daughter and have more energy for her!
By the way- they have an AWESOME coupon right from now until supplies last and you get it here.
Do you eat snack bars?
Have you ever tried Life Choice bars?
What do you snack on to sooth the sweet tooth cravings?

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