Fundraising site for Emma's bike!

This is the widget that will connect over to paypal in which any funds that come in will go DIRECTLY to Freedom Concepts, the manufacturer of the bike. I will not see a penny, it goes right in to Emma's bike account. Once the full amount is raised, then the bike will be built and shipped to Emma. I love the Widget, it shows the progress. You can also remain anonymous. It's GREAT!

Below is the link to the site, just copy and paste to your browser so you can read more! If you want more information on Emma, you can also go to my profile page and see my other blog and it's all about Emma surviving the abuse!

Thank you! We know times are tough for everybody, even if you can forward to link to your readers, family, friends, and such, that would help so much. I am starting a new job on Monday, the 30th, so I won't be able to contribute for a few weeks and then not again until my tax refund has been sent to me. Then whatever is left at that time on the balance towards the bike, my tax refund should cover it! Will make a great Spring time gift for Emma!


  1. I will definitely contribute and post this on my blog later tonight or tomorrow. We are going to get that cutie her bike!! I'll let you know when I put it on my site.

  2. Hey Jaime!
    I just posted on my blog about Emma if you would like to read it. I hope it helps toward the new bike! Let me know if I can do anything else!


Thank you so much for saying hello! I love your comments.