Music Review: Mary Lambert "Heart on My Sleeve"

I participated in the Mary Lambert Heart On My Sleeve album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided a free album to review but all opinions are my own

I will admit prior to receiving this album, I had not heard of Mary Lambert but I also don't listen to too much over the air radio.  I read her bio and learned she had worked with Macklemore as not only a writer but providing vocals for "Same Love". Mary Lambert is a supporter of gay rights and performed on the Grammy telecast while Queen Latifah married 33 couples.  She released a previous EP "Welcome to the Age of My Body"which scored her two Grammy nominations.

When I heard the opening track, "Secrets" I sat up and listened a little more closely.

The upbeat tempo is all well and good but it's her lyrics that drew me in.

"I've got bipolar disorder, my shit's not in order.  I'm overweight, I'm always late, I've got too many things to say.   I rock mom jeans, cat earrings.  Extrapolate my feelings.  My family is dysfunctional but we have a good time killing each other".  Yeah- those are the beginning lines of "Secrets".  That's just a tiny taste of her style and frankly, it's brilliant.  I am not exaggerating when I say that I have listened to "Secrets" no less than 20 times and her entire album is in heavy rotation in my iPod. When I listen, not just hear it but really LISTEN to it, I think Mary could easily be a BFF.  Many of what she says I feel is about me.  I stopped being who society wants me to be, I am who I am.

Give it a listen.
Every single track is not only a song you can listen to but you can sign to.  Her lyrics speak to a deep place within a person.  She sings about body issues, LGBT, love, and heart break.  She sings from her heart and you can feel it as a listener. 

I am not a fan of spoken word so unfortunately I skip over #4 (Dear One).  I'd much rather hear her sing and her voice is absolutely stunning.  Her writing style has been compared to Tori Amos and Adele and I agree.  Her songs are very personal, vulnerable and deep.  Vocally she is definitely different and I think she is an extremely strong vocalist and her career is only going up from here.

Her cover of "Jessie's Girl" (Yes! The one by Rick Springfield") is awesome!

My favorite songs in order:

1. -Secrets
2. Chasing the Moon
3. So Far Away
4. Jessie's Girl
5. When You Sleep

Granted- this will change the next play through of the album.  I have a hard sticking to a "favorites" list. 

If you haven't picked up her album, I highly recommend it.  If you're a fan of Teegan and Sara, Tori Amos, Ingrid Michaelson, Adele... you will  LOVE Mary Lambert.

Still haven't bought it?

Get it at iTunes or Amazon!

You can find her on Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter.

I purchased her freshman album because of "Heart on My Sleeve".

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