It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday, what are you reading is a weekly book linkup hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Last week, I started Perdition by Ann Aguirre and I am still working on it.  The whole insanity of Christmas is still slowing down my reading.  So far, Perdition is fantastic! FANTASTIC.  I have heard it called a mix of Prison Break and Battlestar Galactica and you know what? I totally get it.  Love love loving it. Dred is awesome.  I'd drink a beer with her.

What are you reading this week?

Also, my Monday Music post is up, you can go here to check out what I am listening to!

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  1. She looks pretty awesome! I will have to check that series out! :)

  2. Audio is my answer to busy seasons ;) I dont think I have read a page this week... but I have listened to lots of audio while cooking and baking and cleaning. Have you tried audio Jamie? Id love to know what you think of it. :) Have a super week!

    1. That's definitely smart! I have tried audiobooks and they are background noise for me and after I have listened, I have no clue what even happened! LOL.

  3. I'm glad you are enjoying the book. I have only read Ann Aguirre's YA dystopian series. I loved that and should look for more of her books. Come check out my Monday Report if you get a chance. Happy reading and happy holidays!

    1. I am! I definitely need to check out her YA dystopian books. I loved her Corinne Soloman and Jax series and her YA has been on my list!

  4. I hadn't heard of this series before though I have heard of Ann Aguirre because of her teen fiction. I am glad you are enjoying your book and hope you find more time for reading. I have a feeling next week will be a slow reading week for me since I'll be visiting family. Have a nice Christmas!

    1. I totally need to check out her YA series. I have heard so many good things. I am right ther with ya on the slow week! I hope you enjoy visitng your family and have a GREAT Christmas, too!

  5. Perdition sounds like a good book, always like a strong female lead. Yes this time of the year it can be difficult to find reading time.

    1. Same here! Especially, a strong female lead who can have a solid relationship (like Jax and March from Ann Aguirre's Jax series or Mercy and Adam from Mercy Thompson series)! I also like them kinda broken! LOL.

      It totally is!

  6. Still sounds good. I've set Grimspace up on one of my lists to try.

    1. Ooohhhh!!! If/when you do read it, let me know when/if you post about it. I would LOVE to read your thoughts on it!

  7. yep definitely insane time of the year lol. You sold me, putting Perdition on my wishlist! Have a great week and happy reading :)

    1. It is! I feel like I am losing it! LOL JK.

      Yay! Yay! A convert! LOL.

  8. What a lovely cover. Nice, vibrant colors. Enjoy reading this week!

    Take a look at what I'm reading this week.

    1. I am a sucker for a good cover! LOL I think that's why I read Grimspace by Ann Aguirre and now I'm a fan girl!

  9. I absolutely adored this story and thought the author did a fantastic job of connecting it to her previous work subtly, so those who're not familiar with this universe wouldn't miss it, but is a great Easter egg for those who are.

    1. Awesome!!! It took me moment to remember who Jael was. When he arrived, I was like Huh, I know that name. Then the mention of Thiss-Tor and the gears started grinding. I had to dig around my memory for awhile. I am not far in it but you are right, those who aren't familiar- wouldn't care either ways but those who are, it's not glaringly obvious!

      Thank you!


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