Humans of New York

Have you seen Humans of New York? If not, you need to follow this page on Facebook.  It's beautiful.

Brandon, the founder, has been capturing the raw side of New Yorkers and has brought so much humanity and beauty to Facebook.  Not only has he captured New York, he has traveled the world and brought us Humans of the World.

His work has brought smiles, tears, and laughter to the millions of people who follow HONY.  Most of all- he has shown the world the other side of life.  That homeless man on the street? His wife was murdered, his daughter murdered and his mind died with them.  He gave up hope.

That "thuggish" looking boy? He wants to become a doctor. Never judge a book by its cover.

That elderly couple?  They fall in love with each other all over every day.

Everybody has a story worth telling.

That saying about being kind because everybody's fighting a battle... yeah.

Follow this FB page and have your tissues ready.

Be prepared to be stuck to your screen all day!

 Follow on Bloglovin

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