I love the holidays. This is the time to get together with family and friends and just enjoy each other’s company. Now that I am older, having nights in is what I call a good time. I am an avid board game junkie and love having friends and family over for food, games and drinks.
One of my favorite drinks is cranberry juice and 7UP. 7UP has always been a staple in my home and frankly, it mixes well with juices, alcohol and so many other mixes that it’s easy to make it work for a multitude of drink concoctions. I head on over to Safeway to pick up 7UP and everything I need for a small get together and I am SET!
I love the fizzy lemon lime flavor of 7UP, the tartness of cranberry and the smooth sweetness of vanilla. Mix it all together and you have a super fun drink for ANY of your holiday celebrations. From Thanksgiving to Valentine’s day- it’s the perfect drink to add in the mix. You can even add vodka or your favorite alcohol and turn into an adult drink. Yum!
This is also a super easy drink. Cranberry juice (I use 100% cranberry juice) and 7UP are equal parts. So, if you are using half a cup of cranberry juice, use half a cup of 7UP and so on. I tend to add the vanilla syrup (I use Torani) to taste and go from there. I use about 1 tbsp per 1 cup of drink. For me, that’s the perfect balance but you may want more or less. You could easily swap out the vanilla syrup and use a vanilla vodka and omg… whooo! Delicious! PERFECT for Scattergories night!
Recipe for Cranberry Vanilla 7UP:
Equal parts Cranberry juice (100% is best) and 7UP
1 tbsp of vanilla syrup per one cup of liquid (again, this can be to taste).
1. Pour cranberry juice in glass.
2. Add 7UP
3. Top with vanilla syrup
4. Enjoy!
I don't stir it because the effervescence from the 7UP mixes up the syrup but you can if you want :)
What drinks do you like for the holidays or get togethers?
Find more fun holiday drink recipes and entertaining tips!
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