Welcome 2015! Wait... what?

This past week I have been knocked down sick with bronchitis.  I haven't had bronchitis in years! Boooo! The worst part? This was supposed to be my last week at my job (well, Wednesday was to be my last day and have a four day weekend to play catch up at home) and then start my new job on Monday.  I had a ton of plans but none happened. Oh well, I guess if I am to get sick, this was the time but woe-is-me. 

I am really excited to start my new job on Monday! Everybody seems amazing.  I also will only work four days a week and that leaves me extra time to focus on my personal, professional and business goals.  I was so exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally to get done what I wanted to get done.  My intentions where there but my energy wasn't.

Although I am setting goals for 2015, I am actually working towards them immediately. 

Personal Goals:

1.  My health.
This isn't a new goal for me.  I have struggled repeatedly with this.  Having a child with a lot of disabilities makes it difficult to take care of myself.  Her needs are priority.  She can't take care of herself and is dependent on me to make sure she is.  I am also 100% on my own.  It's a balancing act that I haven't been able to balance.  I try but being stressed out over former job, my finances, my daughter's behavior, and being sedentary created a perfect storm to getting sick.  I am sure that's why after I gave my notice of resignation, my body just kind of... broke down and released all the internal toxins.  I have already been working on eating better and trying to move more but I am going to grow on this goal even more and double it.  I am also going to focus on some relaxation exercises to let go of the stress.

2.  Finances. 

I think we are all there.  This is a huge point of stress for most families.  I am just getting the last of my credit cards paid off.  My finances and health (mental health, too) went hand in hand.  I was stressed, depressed and unhappy.  I self medicated with shopping.  Now, I will be down to just my car payment and student loans.  I will be returning to finish my degree (this spring, I hope!) and I am sitting at a bit of a crossroads.  I can have them put in to an in-school deferment and not accrue interest and focus on paying off my car (I have three years left on my loan) and then when I finish, I can snowball my student loans by adding the amount I pay on my car now to my future student loan payments OR I can just start paying towards my student loans now.  I will have a better idea on this come spring and with complete honesty here, how my blog is doing financially.  If I am still doing well financially via my blog, I can have my car paid off by the end next year.  I also hope to be able to buy a condo/patio home for a nice price soon.  It will be less than I am paying in rent now!

3.  My daughter.

I am always trying to improve on being a better parent . I adore her and I need to work on being more patient.  I am always stressing out over dinner, a clean house, laundry and our time together gets wasted.  No more of that!  

Professional/Business Goals:
1.  Professional Goals:

Achieved.  I found a new job where I can have better balance.  My goal here is to be successful in my new venture!

2.  My blog.

1.  I have veered off on my focus and haven't really reigned in my niche.  
2.  Balance out my sponsored posts to non-sponsored better.  (This will be easier to do now that I have a better work schedule and I am currently working on posts for 2015!)
3.  Better networking.  I have been AWFUL about visiting blogs, answering emails, etc.  I am sorry for that.  I have been absolutely exhausted and feeling a bit of burn out on everything in my life.
4.  Further growth and I have private financial goals.
5.  More food posts.
6.  More posts on writing.
7. Move to WP and rebrand. 

3.  Freelance Writing.

My goal is to obtain at least one freelance writing job a month that is NOT from a content mill and will hopefully land into an semi-permanent assignment. 

I would love see your goals!

Please share them in a comment OR leave your link below!

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