Sponsored Post: Campus Book Rentals + Operation Smile

Raise your hand if you went to college (community, junior, university, etc.).  *raises hand*

Raise your hand if the cost of textbooks still gives you anxiety.  *raises hand*

I have been back and forth with trying to finish college over the last... well, a long time.  Life.  Becoming a parent. Returning to work full time. You name it- it's caused major hiccups with finishing my goals.  Oh yes, let's not forget it's EXPENSIVE (unless you go to an inexpensive local community college- then it's reasonable for tuition).  Textbooks? Insanely priced.  Selling them back? Ugh.  Embarrassing that I paid $270 for a textbook and get $30 back when you sell it back.  

I think it's awesome that there are now options to RENT textbooks.  I think that's smart.  I still have textbooks because they were now outdated and no bookstore would buy them back.  I know you can buy used but you can still get stuck with a book! Yuck!

Campus Book Rentals has many perks available for all of you college students or parents of college students!  You can actually save 40-90% off of bookstore prices.  Shipping is free BOTH ways!  Highlighting in the books is allowed.  They do also offer flexible renting periods. Campus Book Rentals ALSO donates to Operation Smile with EACH textbook rental.  Here is some more information about Operation Smile.  I love when a company gives back to those who are in need of help.  Operation Smile is a GREAT organization helping improve and save lives.  I highly recommend reading the Operation Smile Blog. It makes sense about the good they do.  Just go.  I promise you won't regret it.  Your mascara will be smeared though.  

Also, speaking of low buy backs, Campus Book Rentals also has a new program called RentBack.  Rentback is a new intitiave that allows students to rent the textbooks they own to other students.  The student can make 2-4x more money compared to what is offered from buyback options.  Pretty sweet, huh?  I did check it out with some of my old textbooks (well, they're NOT old, they're from the spring semester) and the option to Rentback will definitely net me more money than traditional buyback or even selling on Amazon.com.  Oh and I won't be paying for shipping.  I'm good with that!  I did find their website to be VERY user friendly. 

Watch this video to see how it works:

disclaimer: this is a sponsored post.  I may have been compensated with a product or financial compensation.

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