Monday Music: Zhane and Frozen

Wow! It's the LAST Monday Music of 2013!!!  It's amazing how fast time seems to fly the older you get... but of course, I'm not aging at all...

I took Emma to see Disney's latest Princess movie, "Frozen" on Sunday (yesterday, actually) and I absolutely adored it! Have you seen it? It was fantastic.  I know that I will buy it when it comes out.  I had a lot of laughs and an onion was cut in the theater or something because my eyes became a tad bit watery at one scene.  If you haven't seen it and you like a good Disney Princess- feel good kinda movie- watch "Frozen".  I also nerded out when I realized that Alan Tudyk was the voice for the Duke of Weselton!

Here's the trailer:


So, music wise.  I am on a total 1990s R&B Girl Group kick and Zhane has been on my mind.  I have been listening to their album, "Pronounced Jah-Nay" this weekend.  The album was released in 1994 and it just doesn't get old for me!  It's a shame that the band dissolved because they were AMAZING.  These ladies' voices are phenomenal!


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  1. I thought that movie was cute too! Loved listening to your Zhane songs! Took me way back..........

    Happy Monday!

    1. It was soo good! Between Olaf the Snowman and Sven, the reindeer- so many laughs! Super cute!

      Oh yeah... Zhane was an amazing duo! Glad to take you back down memory lane :)


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