disclaimer: this is an advertorial. I was provided free product from the Bacon Jams but I was not financially compensated and my opinions are mine. This post may also contain affiliate links
Did you know that one of Elvis Presley's favorite sandwiches is peanut butter and banana. It's been debated about whether or not he ate it with bacon. I vote yes on the bacon! I mean- it's bacon, y'all. I decided to make myself a delicious version of the Elvis for breakfast. It has peanut butter (naturally!), spreadable bacon (heavens to mergatroyd!) and bananas on top of an english muffin.
You guise!!! BACON! SPREADABLE BACON!!!!! Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you. Of course, I sang and jumped and acted a fool and then I was like wait. What in the world do I do with spreadable bacon? I drew a blank. There are some fantastic recipes on their website that really gave me great ideas. Then for some reason I was googling pictures of fat Elvis. Don't ask me why because I am not sure myself. Then the idea hit me. The Elvis sandwich. THE ELVIS SANDWICH would be perfect. Yes. I yelled. I am a goof like that. I opted to use the all original bacon jam and away we go.
I popped my english muffin in the toaster and got it nice and toasted.
I spread PB all over it- I actually used Maple Peanut Butter (it was a great call).
Then I opened the jar of bacon. The smoky smell hit me and I was like ohhhhh yum. I globbed it all over the peanut butter and stared at it.
Hello sexy. How you doin'??? Can I call you later?
Then I threw on some slices of banana.
I went to town.
OMG. I was going to drizzle honey on it but because I used maple PB, I figured that was good enough.
Holy hell you guys. This is delicious. *sniff* Elvis would have been proud. *wipes a tear*
Get some Bacon Jams. You won't regret it. I am in L-O-V-E. It's sooooo good. I wasn't sure how I would like it but I am really, really, really glad I did.
Go to the Bacon Jams website here to order, to take a look around and drool. You can also find Bacon Jams on Amazon ----->>> here
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