It's Monday! What Are YOU Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly link up hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

I really, really, really don't want to blog but I am forcing myself because I know that if I don't, I won't for the rest of the week and then it will turn into a long lapse.

I spent this weekend de-stashing/de-hoarding/de-cluttering (take your pick) my bedroom.  It's been out of control (actually, my entire apartment looks like I could appear on an episode of Hoarders.  Just missing a cat or ten) and I said enough is enough.  I lack energy and I have been incredibly lazy.  Chalk it up to bad diet, not exercising or depression.  Any one will work and any one will be truth.  Anyways, I am down four boxes (not little boxes) of books that I will take to donate.  It feels good.  I was being non-discriminatory and truly keeping only those I know for a fact I will read and believe me, I still have a lot.  Next stop is my closet.  Then, my daughter's closet and room.  Then, I shall tackle my living room.  Really, the problem is finding a place for all of my crap (I get free stuff, samples and coupons, so I have quite a stockpile).  I am sore and I am exhausted.  I just wanted to sleep.  However, it does feel great! 

A little funny out of this.  I found duplicates of books! Hell, I found TRIPLICATES of books! Insane! Haha. Seriously, THREE copies of a specific Georgette Heyer mystery (Footsteps in the Dark) and TWO copies of A Storm of Swords by GRRM.  It's ridiculous.  I was rolling from laughter! I know there are some of you out there who can relate.  *crickets* Come on!!! One of you? At least one????  *crickets*  Damn.  *mumbles* liars.  I can't be alone in this... 

Last week, I finished "Lies You Wanted to Hear".  I really, really enjoyed it.  It brought you both sides of the story and you can really sympathize with both Matt and Lucy. My review is up here.  

I wasn't sure WHAT I wanted to read this week.  I am fatigued *big yawwwwwwwwwwwwn* but I do have two ARCs that are going to be published soon so I decided to start on "Scent of Butterflies" by Dora Levy Mossane, which I received from Sourcebooks.  

Here's the synopsis:

A novel singed by the flavors of Tehran, imbued with the Iranian roots of Persepolis and the culture clash of Rooftops of Tehran, this is a striking, nuanced story of a woman caught between two worlds, from the bestselling author of Harem, Courtesan, and The Last Romanov.
Such audacity she has, Soraya, a woman who dares to break free of the diamond-studded leash of her culture. A woman who refuses to accept the devastating betrayal her husband has perpetrated. A woman who refuses to forgive her best friend. Soraya turns her back on Iran, fleeing to America to plot her intricate revenge. The Shah has fallen, her country is in turmoil, her marriage has crumbled, and she is unraveling. The cruel and intimate blow her husband has dealt her awakens an obsessive streak that explodes in the heated world of Los Angeles. Yet the secret Soraya discovers proves far more devastating than anything she had imagined, unleashing a whirlwind of unexpected events that will leave the reader breathless.

What are YOU reading?


  1. I'm reading Wally Lamb's new book - We are Water. I've loved his other books and I'm sure this one will be great too, but it hasn't drawn me in yet. I am traveling for work this week so hopefully I'll get some reading in on the plane and get more into the book.

    1. Oh I haven't read Wally Lamb in awhile! I loved I Know This Much is True and She's Come Undone! I hope you get some reading done this week!

  2. YAY you with the decluttering. It's quite exhausting pushing yourself to do stuff like that when you're really not feeling it lol but the feeling at the end is worth it! I've had a tough couple of weeks feeling very sad after son's elopement when we've been busy planning and making things for their wedding which was supposed to be in January. Anyway forcing myself to exercise and do stuff has been a real challenge but I feel better for not having crawled into a hole :)

    Bahaha I totally *cough* relate to the multiple book thing, I've even done it with presents, bought stuff only to have it disappear into the umm 'void' and when the event comes around I have to buy it again. Or I've bought a book, added it to the bulging bookcases, forgot, bought it again ... rinse and repeat ... insane!!

    Looking forward to your thoughts on Scent of Butterflies. Have a good week and happy reading :)

    1. I know, right? I treated myself. It's amazing how SORE I am! Incredible. It does feel great!

      You can do it! I know you can! You've had a rough couple of weeks and I am proud of you for not crawling into a hole!

      Hahahaha I am soooooooooooooo glad I am not the only one doing this! haha

  3. I really enjoyed Lies You Wanted To Hear as well - a riveting family drama! Good on you for spring cleaning - I need to do the same really!

    Have a great reading week
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Yay! I am glad you enjoyed it, too! It was really good. It definitely still has me thinking to this day!

      Nothing like a deep cleaning, huh? It took all the motivation in the world to get started but once I did... look out! It just sucks, huh?

  4. Good for you! It's hard for me to get rid of books, but I always feel much better after I do.

    Hope you will stop by my It's Monday! And don't forget to enter my giveaway for the Literary Blog Hop!

    1. It's soooo hard, I agree! However, like you said, feels great after it's done!

  5. Scent of Butterflies sounds really interesting!

    I sympathize when it comes to purging. It's super hard to get me started, but once I get started I want to get rid of everything. Lol

    1. LOL!!!! Yes!!! It's so hard but once you get that motivation and you get into a rhythm, BAM! It's all going out the door!

  6. Scent of Butterflies has an awesome cover, and it sounds great. Enjoy!

    Check out what I'm reading this week.

    1. I agree! The cover is awesome! I can't wait to get into it! I haven't started yet but will this week, I have a good feeling it will be great!

  7. I really need to declutter my house. I am not sure what happens, but stuff just starts to pile up! :( And I have found duplicates and triplicates in my book collection as well!! Lol.

    1. Personally, I think they multiply on their own *wink wink*

      Bwahhahahaha soooo glad I am not the only one! I don't feel so ... crazy anymore. It's just proof of our love for books. LOL

  8. Nope, you are not alone in ending up with multiples of books. I have the tendency to think I own a book, not be able to find it, buy a copy and of course *then* find the copy I thought I owned.

    Scent of Butterflies sounds really good. Happy Reading this week!

    1. I love meeting other book hoarders/duplicators/triplicators! LOL. I

      Thanks for coming by!

  9. I used to buy second copies of books all the time. I have such a big TBR pile that I used to forget what was on it. Now I put each book into my LibraryThing account and unintentional duplicates are a thing of the past. I still might have two copies - one print and one Kindle - but it is intentional. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Yes! I think that's part of the problem- forget you have it. I sometimes would catch myself going "Oooh it's on sale. I want to read it." Then buy it. Find out I own it!

  10. I love cleaning and throwing out. :)

    Oh my on the triplicate books.

    ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

    1. It's therapeutic at times, right?

      Yes, yes.... I am doing the walk of shame. Haha

    2. It is very therapeutic. :)

      Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

      Have a good rest of your evening.

    3. You are very welcome!

      Now, to maintain this therapy! LOL.

      You also enjoy the rest of your evening!

  11. Congrats on your decluttering! It always seems overwhelming, but it makes you and your home feel so much better!

    Enjoy your book this week. It sounds very interesting!

    1. Thank you! You are absolutely correct! Now to get it all done. Hey, baby steps, right? Room by room!

  12. Kudos on the decluttering. It's mentally as well as physically tiring to try to get rid of "stuff." I find it extremely difficult to get rid of books but I've found duplicates as well. Do you read Heyer's Regency romances? I love her and have all her books and I'm happy to say they're being reprinted now. Her dialogue is some of the best ever. Even my husband likes her books. "The Grand Sophy" is one of our favorites.

    Right now I'm re-reading a mystery by Patricia Moyes. We moved recently (lots of decluttering and the like going on before and after) and I'm finally getting some of my many, many boxes of books out and on the shelves. That means I'm starting to re-read lots of my old favorites.


    1. Thank you! It definitely is mental AND physically tiring! It's amazing how draining it is. It's so difficult. I even got rid of books I haven't read but just had to ask myself if I would truly read them and I was honest with myself and let it go.

      Yes!!! I adore Heyer's Regency romances! She's the Queen! I have been buying the Sourcebook reprints (they're to die for!) and I had a couple of duplicates of them, too. I passed them along to my sister (Cousin Kate and The Quiet Gentleman). Can you believe I haven't read The Grand Sophy? I have it and I need to. Your comment makes me want to read it NOW! You are so right on her dialogue! Perfection.

      Good luck on your decluttering! It's kind of fun to see what you have (it's like shopping!).

  13. I'm a Stephen King junkie, so I'm sucked into Dr. Sleep right now.. :-) Too funny that you found multiple copies of books! I've uncovered things as well that I didn't know I had..

    1. Ohhhhh I have heard GREAT things about Dr. Sleep! I look forward to your review of it (if you do post one!).

      Hahahaha isn't it amazing how we obtain multiple copies?

  14. Have you read any of Khaled Hosseini's books? He's awesome! I loved The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns. I am reading his latest right now- and the mountains echoed.

    1. I adore Khaled Hosseini's books! How is the Mountians Echoed? I want to read it soon! He's AMAZING!


Thank you so much for saying hello! I love your comments.