#NaBloPoMo November 2013. Day 2

Today's writing prompt is to write about my writing space, the place where I blog or as I like to call it, The Scene of the Crime.  Yes, crimes happen here at my desk.  It's a hazardous wasteland.  No, I won't take a photo (Ha! You wish!) of this mess.  I have envelopes piled up, books on the floor and millions of USB cables with their owners long forgotten. 

My desk is in my living room due to living in a small-ish apartment.  I shouldn't call it small because I've seen East Coast apartments and mine is huge compared the dinky spaces but it's small for me and my needs.  No, I don't need to downsize- I just need a bigger place *evil laugh*.  

I refer to my desk as where my brain evolves.  I read amazing blogs.  Waste time on Facebook.  I shop.  I muse.  I think.  I dream.  I search websites and forums and have a great time.  I met my last love thanks to this old writing space of mine.  I love my computer- my friends live in it.

What did you post about today?

By the way, if you want to follow moi- links are over there -------------->  
GFC is cool. Bloglovin is okay, too.  Twitter is awesome. Facebook would be sweet. Hint hint. :)


  1. I wish we could have gotten a picture. ;-)

    1. Haha.... No. LOL I would totally have to do the infamous walk of shame! Ha ha!

  2. I took a picture but stopped at showing how I dress when I write. You're welcome! LOL

    1. Hahahahaha I will have to go see.... Yeah. I won't take a photo of how I dress when writing. It's questionable.

  3. Your office sounds like my crafting space! LOL! I have beads, fabric, clay, etc. everywhere. And my kitchen and dining room tables are covered with my "stuff." :-) I wish I had a bigger space too but it probably wouldn't help, I'd prob still have stuff all over the place. LOL!

    1. Hahhahaa I love it! Hey, we CAN dream and talk about how IF we had a BIGGER space, we'd be able to wrangle it. Right? Nah. You're right. It'd be an excuse to have more because the space would now be EMPTY! Can NOT have that! Never!


Thank you so much for saying hello! I love your comments.