Monday Music: Musicals Edition!

It's another edition of Monday Music! I am lazy this weekend. Hellloooo three day weekend! Plus I have been a cleaning machine. I love fall, winter and spring in Phoenix. The weather is perfect and it helps me tolerate the nightmare that is summer.

 I don't have much commentary today BUT I am a sucker for a good musical. My mom and I would watch them and I have such a love for them. We would just lay in her bed and watch them on AMC or whatever channel they happened to be playing on. One of my favorite DVD sets is my Rodgers and Hammerstein Collection. Enjoy! Do you like Musicals? Do you prefer any particular musical? A favorite scene, even?

 Barn Raising Dance from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: I absolutely ADORE this scene.

 Chop Suey from Flower Drum Song

 I'm Singing in the Rain

 Oh What a Beautiful Morning! from Oklahoma!

 I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair from South Pacific

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  1. I love all of these musicals! I wish the movie musicals of today could compare.

    I used to live in Phoenix--enjoy the cooler weather! Now I live in Michigan where our winter is as long as the Phoenix summer is. I haven't decided which is worse, but I may contemplate living half the year here and the other half there someday! But then I'd be a dreaded snowbird....hmmm.

    1. I agree! The classics are so over the top awesome!

      You know, the snowbirds do have it right. I don't begrudge them at all (they keep me busy when they return as they keep our medical facilities quite busy!). I want to live like that when I retire. They're smart!

  2. Oh I love these!! Oklahoma was one of my faves!

  3. Very nice this blog ... interesting this post.

    I have always been interested in the vision of these "old" editions, highlights the difference of previous generations ... simple style, beautiful scenery, actors, singers and dancers ... very good music publishing very beautiful (very difficult to see them on TV).

    I personally am fascinated to see them again on this post.


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